Fight in the cage - Vera vs TessIn the next part of the "no-rules" and "no-holds-barred" cage fight, two of our most skilled fighters, Vera and Tess, collide with ferocity. With unwavering determination, they engage in a relentless battle on the mats. Both women give impressive performances, utilizing various wrestling techniques and throwing punches to gain the upper hand over their opponent. However, Vera takes it to another level by fighting dirty and aiming for Tess's crotch at every opportunity. While Tess tries to fight back, she is overwhelmed by Vera's underhanded tactics. The hot outfits not only add to the aesthetic appeal but also make the fight even more thrilling. Through intense body and crotch hits, unique wrestling holds, and a mix of stand-up and ground fighting, this cage match is full of excitement. In the end, one fighter is knocked out cold and lies defeated on the mat as the ultimate loser. You can buy MAKING OF Video to this image set under this link. Watch -Making Of- video preview to this image set. IMAGE SIZE - EACH 3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 100 MB) TOTAL PICS IN SET - 129 images
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