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Anzahl der Bewertungen: 7
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6
von Anonymus am 23.12.2023
von Anonymus am 20.05.2019
Great camera work and very good performance of Lexxi.
When she walks at the beginning, she looks very sexy. In my imagination, she is a bad girl who has received her due at the end.
I am the customer who commissioned the video and the author of the script. I am happy that this video has had good ratings :)
von Anonymus am 01.02.2017
4 stars she died well
von Anonymus am 03.10.2016
i would of givein 5 stars if she wase shot in the brest
Very good
von Anonymus am 10.07.2016
It is hot. Better she would get the bullet lower in the tummy and pressing the Hands harder into the wounded tummy.
I would like, she loses the high heels in the agony so you can see her bare feet.
5 star
von Anonymus am 25.02.2016
This is so hot. Gunfight with Lexxi is sexy. Blood on her shirt then trying to fight again was a perfect touch. Need more of these POV shootouts.
good, but poor production
von Anonymus am 27.06.2015
Your sexiest gun babe takes a bullet ! Great opening, and some (unrealistic) fake blood for once. A piece of paper under Lexxi (to stop the paint spoiling the carpet?) appears and suddenly disappears. Could have been much better production, but Lexxi looks amazing with guns!

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