Assassin Jillian vs Zoe - Fight in the barThe clash between Jillian and Zoe was intense and brutal. It was a scene straight out of an action movie - Assassin Jillian had been given the order to eliminate Zoe, dressed in a seductive mini dress and skin-colored pantyhose. But little did she know that Zoe had already discovered her plans and was lying in wait for her. As they fought in the bar, their moves were fueled by anger and desperation. Both resorted to dirty tactics like armbars, face punching, gut punching, and even low blows. The battle over the gun was relentless, with each one gaining the upper hand at different moments. In the end, it was Jillian who emerged victorious, shooting Zoe multiple times until she lay limp on the couch. It was a great fight, but with a bittersweet ending for Zoe. You can buy MAKING OF Video to this image set under this link. Watch -Making Of- video preview to this image set. IMAGE SIZE - EACH 3504x2336 pixels (zipped file - 100 MB) TOTAL PICS IN SET - 119 images
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