Prolonged Toygun Shooting – Amelie, Vera, Sabrina – HDIf you liked our previous prolonged fantasy toygun shooting videoclips, you will surely love this video too. We offer here a next part with three beautiful bad girls – Vera, Sabrina and Amelie. They are dressed in black sexy outfits, gloves, high heels or overknee boots. This private-commissioned role-play is characterized by prolonged toy machine gun shootings, prolonged jerking and writhing scenes at the wall and on the ground wonderful played by Sabrina, Vera and Amelie. This videoclip is divided into six parts. In the first part of the clip, Sabrina and Amelie have been shot by Vera. In the second part it’s exactly the other way round, but Vera and Amelie have been machine gunned by Sabrina. In the next part, Amelie shot Sabrina and Vera from her machine gun. Then all three bad girls were surprised by invisible attacker. Finally we have another two parts where Sabrina and Amelie have been shoot at the wall and on the ground. A wide variety of prolonged body shaking and jerking in various positions are demonstrated here. These women writhe in pain with dramatically face expressions, twitching and jerking at the wall, then on the ground. This is definitely a videoclip that will be enjoyed by fans of fantasy shooting action and prolonged shaking scenes! All women got professional hair styling and make-up for this video, so they look very, very gorgeous in their hot outfits. This prolonged videoclip features FX special effects (muzzle flashes, laser beams and body impacts), also sound-edited with fantastic background music and machine gun and impact sounds. ............................................... CLIP RESOLUTION AND DURATION 720p HD FORMAT: [ 1280 X 720 ] (220 MB) Clip Duration - 9 min. 40 sec. COMPATIBILITY & CODEC Video Format: MP4. H.264 CODEC, ZIPPED ...............................................
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